
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Robbery: Prop List/Mise en scene (Requirements for Filming)

For the trailer to be produced as desired, it is important that the mese en scene is perfect. With this, the props used within the trailer must match the story line and characters.

Vital Props for the production of the Robbery

2 Cars / Vehicles - it is important that two cars are visible in the chase scene to create the desired effect

Suit/Formal Clothing - the clothing worn whilst in the 'mafia location' must match that of what is to be expected.

Weapons - it is important that some form of weapons are shown through out the trailer. For example, for the robbery scene - a crowbar would be a good prop to be used.

Through out the trailer, the clothing worn must match what is happening. In the opening scene, the main character will be dressed formal whilst speaking directly to his 'bosses', from here through to planning the robbery - the clothes will begin to get darker to represent what is happening. This is an important feature in any trailer, so that things do not look out of place.

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