
Thursday, January 20, 2011

A2 Portfolio: Evaluation

To create my evaluation I used an online presentation developer called Prezi. Prezi allowed me to create an interactive presentation, as well as allowing me to explain aspects in further detail to my audience.
To view my presentation, press the link below.

The Robbery: Trailer

Below is the finished trailer for 'The Robbery'. The trailer was posted on the biggest video sharing website Youtube. By posting the trailer on Youtube, it allowed our team to gain feedback from various sources such as the youtube viewers and by linking the video on social networking sites such as Facebook and Myspace.
To view the trailer access the following link 
All feedback received will help when creating our evaluations

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Robbery: Poster

Attatched is the finished poster for our trailer, The Robbery.

Press the above image to view in full scale

The Robbery: Magazine Cover

Attatched is the finished Magazine front cover for our trailer.

Press the above image to view in full scale.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Robbery: Poster (Plan)

To the the image in a larger scale, press above

The Robbery: Magazine Front Cover (Plan)

To view the image in a larger scale press the image above

Production Log: The Robbery

Through out the filming of the trailer, a production log was maintained containing dates and problems that were overcome.

Press the above image to view it in full size.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Storyboard - The Robbery

Before we recorded the trailer, we created a rough storyboard so that we could view and edit the planned scenes before recording.

Press the above images to see them in a larger scale.