
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Robbery: Sound Track

For our proposed trailer, our group has recognised the fact that the sound track which is played in the trailer must be unique and distinctive, meaning that people will associate the song with the Robbery.

Firstly, we looked at soundtracks from contemporary media texts, specifically Inception. Inception used great use of an instrumental sound track, which was played through out the trailer at different volume levels.

We, as a group, wanted to replicate this. The sound track which we have chosen is 'Numb' by Linkin Park, and is an Instrumental version meaning that the voices in the trailer could be easily recognised without any disruption of lyrics from the song. - Numb Instrumental

Monday, December 20, 2010

Venue Permissions

Before being able to film the trailer, we have contacted the owners of each location which we intend to film at.

For the opening few scenes, and the main robbery, all of the filming will be conducted at a member of our group Matthew Halewoods house.This meant that there is no issues and we can film here as planned.

The remaining scenes are filmed around the alt park pub and LIDL supermarket. We visited the acting manager at both establishments and permission was granted to film in the area, as long as we don't get in the way of the daily running of the establishments. To do this, we will film at these locations later on when they will, mostly, be clear of families and young children. As well as this, after 5pm LIDL will be fully shut meaning the surrounding area will be completely available to film at.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Running Order - Matching Dialogue

Below is the script to be used in each scene through the trailer.

Running Order

1 - No dialogue will appear in this section

2 - a) 'Leader' - "I presume you know why you are here?"
     b) 'Member A' - "I was going to call you.." -interuption-
     c) 'Leader' - "That isn't good enough, I want it now" - aggresive tone of voice
     -pause, cutting to another scene and back throughout this conversation, possible future-
     d) 'Leader' - "I presume that you have a plan.. go now"

3 - a) 'Member A' - "We've got a problem, we're running out of time"
     b) 'Member B' - "Why, what happened?"
     c) 'Member C' - "We need to act now..."

4 & 5 - 'Member A' - "First, we're going to approach from --"
                 "We'll enter through the garage, it won't be too hard to get in that way"
            "The target should be in --"

The above scnees, 4 and 5, will be edited with fast cuts from one to the other - with the conversation continuing over the top of scene 5.

6 - a) 'Member A' - "Get in, quick!" -worried tone of voice-
          'Member B' - "Wait, wheres 'X'?"
          'Member A' - "They've got him, it's too late, go now!"

7 - a) 'Member A' - "We've got a problem"

The above dialogue may change, and some of it will be cut from the final trailer. However, it is important to film a lot of scenes and dialogue so there is more to choose from rather than there not being enough.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Running Order for the Robbery

I have attatched the running order which myself and the team produced for the filming of the trailer. This includes information about what is happening in each location and who is involved in the location - as well as this, it specifies how long each sector will last.

Press the above image to view in a large scale

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Robbery: Prop List/Mise en scene (Requirements for Filming)

For the trailer to be produced as desired, it is important that the mese en scene is perfect. With this, the props used within the trailer must match the story line and characters.

Vital Props for the production of the Robbery

2 Cars / Vehicles - it is important that two cars are visible in the chase scene to create the desired effect

Suit/Formal Clothing - the clothing worn whilst in the 'mafia location' must match that of what is to be expected.

Weapons - it is important that some form of weapons are shown through out the trailer. For example, for the robbery scene - a crowbar would be a good prop to be used.

Through out the trailer, the clothing worn must match what is happening. In the opening scene, the main character will be dressed formal whilst speaking directly to his 'bosses', from here through to planning the robbery - the clothes will begin to get darker to represent what is happening. This is an important feature in any trailer, so that things do not look out of place.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Robbery: Locations

The locations for the filming of the trailer will be specifically important in creating a professional, mind capturing trailer. The mese en scene in each location used need to be just right for the film to keep the plot believable.

Below are the four main locations which will be used in the filming of The Robbery.

These locations are each used for different purposes in the filming of The Robbery. Location 'A' is the targeted home; a location where a lot of the filming will take place. The home should look quite normal, which I believe it does.

Location 'B' is the location which the chase will end, with the main characters fleeing the car here. From this location, the actors will run down the dark alleyway, Location 'C'. Through out each scene there will be a lot of dialogue, so it was important that the locations arent populated areas to avoid background sounds. Location 'D' is the opening and closing location for the film, the mafia building - the building which opens and closes the film.